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Entries Tagged ‘Disneyland Trip’

Disneyland 2010 – The Great D23 Escape

Well, with airline tickets booked, hotel reservations made, and Disney tickets in hand, I finally feel like my fall trip to Disneyland is a reality. When D23 announced that they wouldn’t be holding an Expo event this year, I was pretty disappointed, but when I found out that they would be hosting a special “Destination […]

Fantasmic Five Friday… the Flu Version

I came to the unfortunate realization this week that Flu bugs caught while at Disneyland are not any more magical than regular Flu bugs… in fact, they seem to last longer… not the kind of souvenir I was looking for! My ever-growing trading pin collection was bolstered this week by the edition of 20 new […]

Counting Down to Disneyland

I’ve nearly made it to the two-week mark until my birthday trip to Disneyland. I found a great website that is helping me count down the days. Mickey Path offers lots of backgrounds and “tickers” for watching the time tick by until your next Disney trip. Follow my progress below!