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Entries Tagged ‘Indiana Jones’

All it Takes is Faith and Trust… and Just a Little Bit of Pixie Dust

Sometimes the best Disney memories are the ones created by our loved ones.  I had the chance to spend some time tonight with some of my favorite cousins.  Unfortunately, they live too far away to see too often, but that makes our infrequent visits even more special.  We were talking about Disneyland this evening and […]

More Indy facts…

As fate (or coincidence) would have it, A Window to the Magic podcast features the Indiana Jones attraction on this week’s show.  Patrick Hurd provides amazing trivia, fact and interviews on this terrific ride.  I definitely recommend checking out A Window to the Magic podcast #149 for more reasons Why I Love… Indiana Jones and the […]

Why I Love…

This post is the first of what I hope will be a continuing series geared at sharing my favorite elements of the Disneyland Resort. In honor of this weekend’s much anticipated blockbuster, I’d like to take this opportunity to express Why I Love… Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. If you are […]