Fantasmic Five Friday – February 4, 2011
Feb.04, 2011 in
Fantasmic Five Friday, SHINE Online
It’s the first week of my new promotion at work and so far, so good. Â It’s a nice change of pace from what I had been doing for the company.
- I’m going “treasure” hunting today at a huge antique store in Denver… I can’t wait to see what Disney treasures I will find. 🙂 Â Stay tuned for pics!
- I’ve been in a Disney funk lately… any and all Disney mentions or memories are making me cry! Â I definitely need a Disney vacation!
- I did get to go to one of the two remaining Disney Stores in Colorado last weekend and I was so surprised to find Vinylmation there! Â It’s a smaller, older store, so I never dreamed that they would carry Vinylmation… I might have gone a little overboard in stocking up. 🙂
- I’m revising my February calendar for Rays of Disneyland, but I’ll still be trying to post as often as I can, and I look forward to continuing with the S.H.I.N.E online challenge.
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