blogher-openingWhen I was in the First Grade I was so shy that I cried to go home nearly every day for the first month… apparently I had reached my limit of social interaction within the first few minutes of each day.  When I was in college I forced myself to meet people and make friends… seriously forced, we’re talking hard work here people!  And when I was at BlogHer 2009 I learned that some things never change.

In a room of 1500 talented writers, all sharing the common thread of blogging, I was overwhelmed… I was in the first grade again.  This was my chance to mingle and network and meet my blogger friends face to face, but without the comfort of this glowing Apple screen in front of me I wasn’t able to say or do any of the things I had set out to accomplish.

That being said, the people at BlogHer were amazing, welcoming, and – when I could make my mouth and my brain work together to form intelligent thoughts – they were awesome people to meet.  I enjoyed the sessions and keynotes… but I really hated not having the courage to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to me.

So, that’s my big BlogHer revelation… it seems I’ve traded my six-year-old tears for a computer screen and keyboard.  Without either, I’m the quintessential wall-flower.  But… maybe more than that I learned that BlogHer 2010 is going to be a new page for me.  That’s right blogosphere, get your business cards ready because I will be flitting about NYC like the social butterfly I was meant to be!

If it’s okay with my loyal Disney fans, I’ll be sharing more of my BlogHer experiences throughout the coming weeks… I came home with a renewed determination and excitement for my blog and I can’t wait to share that passion with all of you.

Attended BlogHer? Leave a comment and let me know that I should have been brave enough to talk to you! ;-)

© 2009, Rays of Disneyland. All rights reserved.

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