It’s a lazy, breezy song for a lazy, breezy Sunday afternoon… about a year ago I discovered the song Disneyland by Five for Fighting while lsitening to my favorite podcast, Window to the Magic.  I instantly fell in love. πŸ™‚  The song, is actually a romantic ballad of sorts, but comes off as an ode to the Happiest Place on Earth.  I love this song so much.  In fact, one of the best moments of the D23 Destination D event was when Tim O’Day played a clip from the song during his Happiest Place in Pop Culture presentation.

I found this awesome fan video on Five for Fighting’s YouTube page, and I have to admit that I cried a little the first time Walt came on the screen.  I love how each piece of the video “interacts” with the lyrics, making the perfect accompaniment to an awesome Disneyland tribute song… enjoy! πŸ™‚

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